Thursday, January 19, 2006

2006 Predictions

[2/3/06] Paul Saffo rates 10 different technology trends as buy, sell, or hold over the next decade.

[1/19/06] Munarriz makes five stock predictions

[1/6/06] Mauldin thinks the market will end the year down, going against consensus (and Elaine Garzarelli).

[1/6/06] According to Hulbert, the low volatility of 2005 portends another "calm" market in 2006.

[1/4/06] Sivy is fairly optimistic overall for 2006

[1/1/06] The first half of 2006 could be rough says CNNMoney.

[1/1/06] Forget about 2006, what about 2016?

[1/1/06] Bull vs. Bear: Munarriz and Beyers duel 2006

[12/24/05] Morningstar estimates the Dow's fair value at 11,694, so it's about 8% undervalued. However they estimate the overall market as overvalued by 5%.

[12/23/05] Liz Ann Sonders, Chief Investment Strategist for Charles Schwab looks for outperformance by large-cap growth stocks.

"There’ve been a number of periods in history (like the last two years) when the market had single-digit returns and compressed valuations. The year that followed was typically positive for the market overall, but with multiple expansion particularly pronounced for growth companies."

[12/23/05] Robert Aronen shares his predictions.

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