Tuesday, June 27, 2006

mutual funds are lousy (says Robert Kiyosaki)

[9/26/06] A negative view of Kiyosaki

[8/20/06] TMF Selena takes a look at Robert Kiyosaki

[6/27/06] A vast number of people think that investing for the long term in a diversified portfolio of mutual funds is the smart thing to do. In [Robert Kiyosaki's] opinion, this ranks among the worst possible investments.

The problem with funds is fees. The longer you invest in a mutual fund, the more you pay in fees. I've pointed out before that when I buy a piece of real estate or a stock, I pay the sales commission once, but when I purchase a mutual fund, I pay a sales commission for as long as I own the fund (see "So Long Pensions, Hello Fees" ).

That's why the return on investment is much lower on mutual funds -- and why gains get lower the longer you own them. The reason most financial planners recommend you invest for the long term is simply because the longer you hold on to the fund, the more money they make.

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